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0622081702.jpg, originally uploaded by TankOhio.

Here we are at the worlds shortest tunnel. So far it has been an excellent day of riding. We took one of my favorite roads, 16 in Virginia. From there we took 58 and it was spectacular.

Category: Posts

First night: Prestonburg KY

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First night: Prestonburg KY, originally uploaded by TankOhio.

Here we are in Prestonburg, KY. No rain today but to be perfectly honest it was a pretty boring day. We took 76 to 71 to 26, and there really was nothing that was particularly interesting. We checked into our motel around 7 and then went for a ride. The short loop we took after checking in was the best part of the day.

Tomorrow promises to be a much better day. We have lots of great destinations in mind for tomorrow so I should be uploading lots of pictures of the sights.

Category: Posts

I am off for my first big ride of the year!

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Tomorrow morning I leave for my first big ride of the year. I am going to be on the road for 9 days and I have a really great route planned and I even have some folks coming along to keep me company!

I will be updating the site from time to time as I am on the road, so check back often to see what is going on! I expect I am going to see some pretty spectacular scenery on this trip, so there should be plenty of great pictures.

Category: Posts

Why They Ride

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There is a new documentary out that is based in Deals Gap called Why They Ride.

I have been looking forward to the release of this movie for a long time, and last week it finally arrived in the mail.  The movie was made by the Wilkinson Brothers, two guys who make their living in graphic design and also happen to be avid motorcycle riders.

The movie does start out a little slow.  It starts with a little family history of the Wilkinsons.  I think they include this section to show that they are not just a couple of guys who decided to make a movie, they are a couple of guys who live and breathe motorcycles.

Chapter four is where things really start getting interesting.  It is just a series of shots of their ride from Indiana to Deals Gap, but it really puts you in the mindset of what it is like getting out on the road the first day.  I recognize lots of places they pass on the way.

Once they arrive at Deals Gap the interviews begin.  Many familiar faces appear in the movie.  Brad, Ben, Jessica, Francois and many others.  Ben sure does love to talk!  There are many unfamiliar faces as well.  They interview all different types of riders from sport bike riders to Gold Wingers to Harley guys.

Finally there is a movie that really gets across what Deals Gap is all about.  I could only find one fault in the movie and that was when Brad said “We have never had an argument between a sport bike guy and a Harley guy”.  Now we all know arguments are rare, but I think we all know that it has happened!  I also think it would have been a better movie if I had been in it, but they still did pretty good without me!

Anybody who loves the Gap really should get a copy of this movie.  People are always asking me why I keep going back to the Gap over and over and now I can just show them this movie and they will understand.

Click here to go to their website and get a copy for yourself!

Category: Posts

Quaker Steak and Lube Austintown Bike Night

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Well, I really wasn’t planning on going to bike night tonight, but Harley Guy was riding down all the way from Cleveland and I enjoy hanging out with him and his wife, so I decided to hit the lube.

I had a great time and I sure am glad he talked me into going!  It was a great night to be out on the bike.  It was still 80 degrees on my way home.

Here are some highlights from this evening.

Click here to see all the pictures.

Category: Posts