Category Archives: Ride Reports

Mystery Ride in Western Pennsylvania

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Sunday I decided to take a quick ride to Tionesta. As often happens, one thing led to another and I never actually made it to Tionesta. During my travels I did come across a mysterious town. Since I am all about adventure, I decided to explore this town. Hopefully somebody will know the story of this place and fill me in.

100 5140 (Large)

In the picture to the left you can see what appears to be the main building in the town. It appears to be very old but it is in very good condition, as are most of the buildings in this town.

The grounds are maintained like a golf course, but there was absolutely no sign of life.

There must be times when the place is very busy because there were pavilions ond chairs everywhere, just no people to be seen. It was actually a little bit creepy.

There were a lot of busses and passenger vans parked all over the town, but they had no markings on them to identify them.

100 5200 (Large)

As you can see in the picture the streets are all named and there are also streetlights.

Here are some pictures of the many buildings in this town. Notice how abandoned everything seems, but at the same time it is all so well maintained.

100 5181 (Large)

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Another interesting thing I found was a very large generator.

100 5199 (Large)

The buildings mostly seemed to be pretty old, and a lot of them had fallout shelter signs.

100 5204 (Large)

There was some activity, because a noise was coming from this building and smoke was coming from the smokestack.

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Here are some more pictures:

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OK, now you tell me. What is this place? A secret government facility? A religious cult? A college?

I have no idea what it is, but I hope someone out there does know!

Category: Ride Reports

Spring has Sprung!

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It is official now! Spring is finally here! After a long winter I have finally gone on a real ride!

I met Mark for some pancakes in Boardman. We rode through Hillsville and then into Pennsylvania. Headed back into Ohio and followed the Ohio River out of East Liverpool, then crossed into West Virginia and back into Pennsylvania.

100 5134 (Large)

It was a bit chilly, but the sun was shining most of the day. We stopped at several parks to stretch our legs. The one above was in Pennsylvania just before we got to East Liverpool.

100 5135 (Large)

Here is a nice one that I think was off of PA51. Thats the Beaver river and this wes a really nice park. We are lucky to have so many beautiful parks in this country.

100 5138 (Large)

As nice as the parks are, they still could not beat a donut shop. Mark and I agree that we are fans of flat bread, and everybody likes donuts!

Category: Ride Reports

Ashtabula County, Ohio Covered Bridge Ride

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I know there are a lot of people who are really interested in covered bridges.  I have to admit that I am not one of them, but I sure do love riding motorcycles.  Last weekend I was trying to dream up some kind of an excuse to ride my motorcycle when I decided I would ride to each of the covered bridges in Ashtabula.

Click here for a GPX file with all the waypoints.

GPS makes attempting such a thing pretty simple.  I simply downloaded a file of waypoints for each of the bridges and told the GPS to route me to each one of them.  I know a lot of people say that a GPS takes away the freedom of riding a motorcycle, but I think it does just the opposite.  I think it gives complete freedom when you are riding.  It would be so much more work to do a ride like this without a GPS.  With the GPS all you do is enjoy the ride and you don’t have to worry one bit where the next turn might be.

Windsor Mills Bridge
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Quaker Steak and Lube, Austintown – 07/24/2008

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It was a great night for bike night. Clear skies and cool but comfortable weather. There was another huge turnout in Austintown. I think this is becoming the most popular bike night in the area.

Here is Dan.  He figures if he wears this crazy hat the chicks will think he is French and that will attract them.  I doubt if his system will work.

Holy crap.  It seems to be working.  She has no idea he is not French.  I really doubt he will get any more action.

Cheerleaders?  I mean, I turn my back on this guy for one minute and there he is hound dogging more women.

“Yes, I would like to buy a calendar.  I have been having such a hard time keeping track of the days, so this will be a great help!  I am so glad you cheerleaders showed up a bike night tonight!”

This dude is just pathetic now.  He buys a $10 calendar just so the cheerleaders will talk to him.

Holy crap.  More of these guys reaching into their pockets to buy calendars.  What that crap?  Do these guys even know how to read a calendar?  Really, it is just pathetic.

Look how happy the simple man is.  “Take my picture!  Take my picture!” he is screaming.  How sad it all is.

Thats right.  Now the other one starts with the whole “Take my picture” thing.  At least Mark got her to put her hand on his ass.  Dan did not get any of that action.

Once again, I have never seen a man so happy about the purchase of a calendar.  The pictures really don’t do justice.  To see this whole event in person was almost enough to make me puke.  These dudes are flat out sad.

Look at me!  I know what day it is!

The cheerleaders ran out of interest with them both when they found out found out that Dan and Mark were out of money, so it was time for Dan to move on to his next victim.  She was pretty nice and was passing out fliers for the Teamsters Poker Run to benefit the Rescue Mission.  So now Dan says if you pose for a picture with me my friend Tank will post your poker run on his web site.  She seems unimpressed, so then he lies and says that I am world famous and stuff so she reluctantly poses for a picture with him.  This means that he has pretty much turned me into his pimp, and it makes me feel dirty inside.

Click here for more information on the poker run.

By now I am thinking this guy is tired of chasing women around and the next thing I know he is saying “Take my picture” again!  This guy is just a male slut.  I mean he is totally out of control.  I guess women really do like guys from France.  And guys who buy calendars.

Click here to see the rest of the pictures!

Category: Ride Reports

Cleveland Cycle World International Motorcycle Show

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This is always the first motorcycle related event of the year and it is something I always look forward to. It is usually my first chance to take a look at all the new models each year. There are always some customs mixed in as well as many historical bikes. All in all it is an excellent way to spend a cold winter day.



Above is one of the customs at the show. Now for me I would never really want to ride a bike like this, and I guess nobody really rides bikes like this. You do have to be impressed with it. It just sparkled like a diamond and the paint job was very complex and well done. Not really my cup of tea, but still an impressive motorcycle.

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Category: Ride Reports