Saturday, originally uploaded by Tank Mobile.
Well, the gang has all gone home now. I am still having fun, but I have to admit that it is not as fun now that they are gone.
I was very surprised to run into Verne a little while ago! He was actually just passing through while picking up a bike for a friend so I sat and talked to them for a while.
Tomorrow morning I am going to pack up the tent and start the adventure home. I have spent a lot of time on the freeway the last two weeks and I plan on staying away from the freeway on the way home. I still really dont know what route I am going to take, but I think I will head toward Cherokee in the morning. I would love to head to Georgia but I don’t want to get mixed up in the whole gas shortage thing.
The Harleys seem to be clearing out some so I am going to get back on the bike. I need to make the most of today because it is probably the last time I will be here on a motorcycle until next summer. It makes me sad just to think about it.