In the town of Philippi, West Virginia there is a museum. This is the Barbour County Historical Museum, and it is staffed by the nicest lady you could ever meet, along with her two young helpers.
![101_5319-large Barbour County Historical Museum Staff](
Barbour County Historical Museum Staff
The museum is inside a old railroad depot and is right next to their famous covered bridge. Much of the museum is devoted to the history of the bridge. I have a personal relationship with the bridge because I have a friend at work who used to live in Philippi and his best friend burned down the bridge. I would tell the whole story here, but I am not going to so you have a reason to go visit the museum.
In this museum are many items of historical significance. The first amputation happened in Philippi. The first chairman of the FCC came from Philippi. The Kodak camera was invented there. Civil war battles were fought in Philippi.
Among the many items of interest the strangest thing is the Mummie Room. Thats right, honest to goodness mummies.
![Philippi Mummie! Philippi Mummie](
Philippi Mummie
Of course, like most things there is some controversy about the mummies, and I am told that you can’t believe the stuff you see on the Interwebs about them. is all about setting the record straight, so I am not going to say another word about them. I’ll leave that to one of the nicest ladies you will ever meet.
Explanation of the Philippi Mummies from Tank on Vimeo.
She has the full story on every single item in the museum and she absolutely loves to tell the stories. When you visit be sure to ask about the player piano. She will also tell you where the saying “Top Notch” comes from, and be sure to ask about the story of the lightning bugs in the jar.
The roads around Philippi are motorcycle heaven, and the Barbour County Historical Museum is a visit you will never forget.